The Power of Deliberate Practice and Coaching

In my journey from a 2.5 to a 4.5 tennis player, I’ve learned a profound lesson that goes beyond
the boundaries of the tennis court: The immense value of deliberate practice.

It would be easy for me to spend hours on the court, hitting ball after ball, hoping to improve.
In fact, that’s how I spent my spring and summer.

While time and effort are commendable, they alone aren’t enough for substantial growth.
That’s where the magic of deliberate practice comes in.

Deliberate practice is a concept that was popularized by Anders Ericsson, who studied the
habits of top performers across various fields. Ericsson’s research showed that with the right
type and amount of practice, most people can achieve exceptional levels of skill and
performance in almost any organizational coaching domain.

But it only works if you follow this very specific kind of practice (I outline the steps at the end of
this post).

I had my first lesson with a coach about 3 weeks ago, and my body was so sore after that I kept
saying, “what have I been playing all this time???” My body was just not used to the
movements he was asking me to do!

That’s my coach Elliott, in the picture.

Improving Alone vs. With a Coach:

When trying to improve on our own, we rely heavily on self-assessment, which can often be
clouded by our biases or limited perspective. In contrast, a coach provides an external and
experienced viewpoint. They see the nuances in our techniques, the small yet significant errors
in our form, and the habits that hold us back.

I’ve grown more in my abilities over the last 3 weeks than I have in my first 6 months of playing

Here’s how:

With a coach’s guidance, our practice sessions become more targeted. They guide our focus,
correct our mistakes in real-time, and introduce drills tailored to our needs. This structured and deliberate approach to organizational coaching through leadership coaching services ensures that we’re not just practicing but practicing right. The result? A faster and more efficient improvement trajectory.

For anyone out there striving for excellence, be it in tennis, a professional field, or a personal
hobby, remember this: While passion and persistence are crucial, the guidance of a mentor and
the discipline of deliberate practice can be the difference between slow progression and
accelerated mastery.

And if you want to know if you’re taking advantage of deliberate practice, consider these
important elements:

  1. Purposeful and Structured: Unlike casual or unstructured practice, deliberate practice is
    always purpose-driven. There’s a clear goal for each session, and it’s not just about
    repetition but about aiming for improvement in specific areas.
  2. Feedback Loop: One of the hallmarks of deliberate practice is the constant feedback.
    This could be from a coach, video recordings, or other external tools. The feedback
    allows for immediate correction, which is pivotal for learning.
  3. Challenging and Outside Comfort Zone: Practitioners of deliberate practice consistently
    push their boundaries. If a task becomes easy, it’s a sign to move onto something more
    challenging. This ensures continuous growth.
  4. Mental Engagement: It’s not enough to just go through the motions. Deliberate practice
    demands complete mental focus and consciousness. One has to be aware of what
    they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how it can be improved.
  5. Iterative Nature: The approach is all about small, incremental improvements. You
    identify weaknesses, work on them, get feedback, adjust, and then practice again.
  6. Limited Duration: Contrary to the notion that more hours automatically lead to
    improvement, deliberate practice emphasizes quality over quantity. It’s often intense
    and requires breaks to avoid burnout and to allow for mental and physical recovery.

In contrast, here are the potential issues with solo practice:

  1. Can Lack Direction: Solo practice, unless guided by prior knowledge or resources, can
    sometimes lack a clear goal or structure. It’s more about repetition and less about
    targeted improvement.
  2. Limited Feedback: Without external input, there’s a risk of cementing wrong techniques
    or habits. While one can still self-assess, it’s challenging to catch all mistakes or nuances
    without an external perspective.
  3. Comfort Zone: Solo practitioners might fall into the trap of practicing what they’re
    already good at because it feels satisfying. However, growth often comes from
    addressing weaknesses, which we might avoid or be unaware of.
  4. Variable Engagement: Without structure or feedback, it’s easier to become mentally
    disengaged, turning practice into a routine activity rather than a focused learning
  5. Duration-Based: Solo practitioners might measure their progress by the amount of time
    spent practicing, which can sometimes lead to long hours with limited actual

I’d love to know if you’ve ever taken advantage of deliberate practice through leadership coaching services to master a skill.

And stay tuned for more insights on my journey. The road to 4.5 continues!