What’s an easy way to increase curiosity and innovation in your organization?

What’s an easy way to increase curiosity and innovation in your organization? Bring in curious outsiders! I love this partnership between the Louisville Airport and the University of Louisville to use students and faculty as innovation catalysts! There are 3 reasons these types of partnerships can be powerful: 1. They aren’t burdened with “the way … Read more

How do you bring humility and a change of perspective to your boss?

How do you bring humility and a change of perspective to your boss?  You’ll never convince them with your words. You have to create experiences for them to come to the right conclusions on their own…in a SAFE way. Innovation consultant, Barry O’Reilly, does an excellent job of demonstrating how to do this! Think about … Read more

“This is a safe place!”

“This is a safe place!” There is so often a disconnect between these words and our actions. This video really speaks to me because I feel like I’ve been in attendance at this kind of meeting dozens of times. The team leader has the right instincts. They want the right things. But there’s a disconnect … Read more